Monday 2 September 2013

Addo Elephant National Park (Braai Pie)

Those who know me, know that I have a soft spot for the Addo Elephant National Park. It is a rather large spot and I would rather spend a day in the park, if given the chance, than doing anything else.

I have an amazing friend who shares this passion and gets to take some great pics as well. The following pics were recently published in a few British newspapers last week as well as being showcased on  our very own 50/50 television programme on SABC 2. 

In the light of next week (9-13 September) being SANPARKS week I asked if I could publish the pics on my blog. I encourage you all to go and take a drive through your nearest SANPark. Go take a look here for your nearest one.

Anyway, this friend is part of one of the jewels of Port Elizabeth, "Kragga Kamma Game Park" where she plays an active and exceptionally high profile part against Rhino Poaching in our country. Amongst other things that this incredibly modest, yet talented lady is also the creator of "Africa, This is why I live here". A Facebook page for anyone who is "delighted, amused and amazed by the things you see, do and experience around you on a day to day basis whilst living in Africa (or have lived in Africa or visited Africa)". Feel free to click on the link and "LIKE" the page. It really is a feel good, fun-filled page.

Anyway, enough rambling!!!!! On a recent trip with her family she happened upon the following photographic story.

Please note that I have the full permission of the owner to share these photographs on this page. They are all copyrighted. Please do not copy them in any form without the express permission of the photographer. Details below.

This is the picture published in the newspapers:
The write up is from the Daily Mail:

The whole story unfolds in the following 11 photographs and the captions underneath are all hers:

Hey, do you feel like playing? 

"'kay, but let me have a drink of water first"

"I'll just sits here and wait for you" 

"Wee, I gots your back"

"..... Number 4 heads in to join the fun....." 

"......and that's when the trouble started!" 

"PILE - ON!" 

"HEY - You guys are HEAVY" 

"Okay, I stands on my tippie-toes then............... is that better?" 

"Squash, squash, squash.... too much of fun"

"BREAK IT UP KIDS - Before someone gets hurt!"

Thanks my Friendie for allowing me the honour of forwarding your amazing pics and story via my blog. Another visit to the park is long over due.

Ayesha can be contacted on


This one is for over the coals & is one of my favourites having tried various pies with different fillings. Some with meat and others vegetarian. The pie can also be eaten cold the next day.


2 Rolls of puff pastry dough (pre bought from shop)
2 double handful of cut spinach
Any type of cooked meat (Chicken breast works the best)
250 g bacon
1 large onion
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
250 g mushrooms
100 g Feta cheese
100 g Cheddar cheese
100 g Mozzarella cheese
1 egg
¼ cup of milk


Defrost the dough and roll out on cutting board. (Remember to place dough onto sandwich grill before you start stacking)
Fry onion and bacon together, set aside to cool.
Roughly chop meat, spinach, cheese and peppers.
Place the first handful of raw spinach on the dough, place meat on top, followed by the onion and bacon mixture, add the mushrooms on top.
Add any of your favourite herbs or spices to taste. Do not add salt. Ingredients are salty enough.
Add 3 cheeses and place the last of the spinach on top of the cheese.
Place 2nd piece of pasty over filling and tightly press edges with the bottom piece of pastry. It is a lot of filling, so flatten ingredients as you layer it. Brush with egg and milk mixture.
Use a sandwich grill with high edges and braai pie (not too low) on the coals.
Wrap in foil for first 15 minutes to avoid burning & sticking.
Turn over continuously and braai for approximately 20 minutes or until the pastry is brown evenly.
Cut into portions and enjoy!
For a vegetarian option…just leave out the meat. Still extremely delicious. Or even better.. invent your own combinations.

If you do try this recipe please let me have feedback. It's always exciting to hear what others think or have tried.

1 comment:

  1. Ayesha always have great Addo pics so it was only a matter of time till she got an award winning one like this.

    I've seen this pie before and I seriously need to make a plan to try and make one.
